
Monday, 4 May 2015

Why blog?

Who are you?

I'm Mum to Andrew. Andrew was born in 2009, eleven weeks early, and weighing just 22oz (around 635g if you're younger than me!) I describe him as a "spectrum" child, not as an homage to the computer, but because he is diagnosed as being on two spectrums (spectra? Is that a word or just a Bond baddie?)
  • Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum
  • Autism Spectrum

From the reactions of medical professionals and the paucity of information on t'internet, this seems to be a rare combination here in the UK. Andrew is sensory-seeking rather than aversive; he is non-verbal but learning delays mean hasn't yet picked up sign language or symbols; and he has some hearing loss, but determining the extent is tricky when he doesn't understand the testing process.

Why blog?

Because Andrew can't.

No, seriously, why blog?

To let off steam.
To share ideas.
To spare my Facebook friends from my endless rambling.
To pose controversial thoughts in an environment I can control.

But mainly to get thoughts out of my head. Feel free to comment to do the same.

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